This Summer I had a chance to interview Yacht Designer George Buehler. I hope you enjoy, Dylan Bailey
George Buehler has been designing boats out of wood and metal for over 20 years. Some of his most popular designs have been his Diesel Duck designs. In this issue of the MBQ we feature his latest the 41.2 as well ask him some questions about his career. George has also released new additions of his books Trollor Yachts and Back Yard Boat Building. You can visit his webs sites at: and
D.B. George, when did you get into boating?
G.B- In Jr. High School when I built an 8 hydro which I rolled on the first run. My mother made me trade it for an El Toro sailboat, which got me into sailing
You worked for Boat Builder Paul Luke for a while, tell us about your experience there.
- What I remember best is the amazement I STILL feel of being around such a phenomenal skill level group of carpenters. Lukes was great, but before that I swept floor and butchered wood at Goudy & Stevens during the building of the 110 schooner AMERICA recreation. Double sawn frames, double planked, SIX MONTHS from start to finish. The skill level of those old wood yards was amazing.
You built a boat and cruising, tell us about that experience.
- I built a self designed 26 double ender while working a near minimum wage job as a night shift orderly on the disturbed ward (NEVER show fear and youll live) in an Oakland CA public hospital. I had no money so used lumberyard materials, no engine, tree mast, polypropylene running rigging, and had maybe the best two years of my life cruising it to Mexico and Hawaii, with absolutely no problems.
When did you realize you wanted to design boats for a living and how did you become a yacht designer?
- I fell into it. After selling the 26 in Hawaii, I came to Seattle to build a 36 I designed while sailing to Hawaii. Various people came by and wanted plans for a bigger version and a smaller version, and before I knew it I was selling yacht designs. I never planned on doing it for a living and still havent decided what I want to do if I ever grow up.
Could you tell us about your first commission or design?
- The 26 footer mentioned above. I was my own first client
What was your first design in metal?
- I really dont remember. People were building my wood designs in metal on their own long before I drew metal construction plans. I think my first serious metal commission was the 38 Diesel Duck for the Blackshaws, back in the 1990s.
Your Diesel Duck series of designs have become very popular. What was the inspiration for the design?
-West coast workboats and keeping an awareness of simplicity of assembly.
Do you have any recommendations for the amateur builder looking at your designs and wanting to build their own boat?
-Nope. I dont try to talk anybody into anything. See whats out there and make up your own mind what you want. I do offer good support, but others probably do too.
Do you have any recommendations for anyone wanting to modify a design of an existing boat?
- Nope While some designers act as though Jesus Christo himself was guiding them, the fact is most just draw what they like. So if you want to make a change go for it. But if it floats upside down its on you.
In this issue of MBQ we feature your latest Diesel Duck design. Is there anything on the drawing board you want to tell us about?
- I just got a commission for an 80 foot Duck like boat were gonna call SUPER Duck 80. I have no idea yet what it will look like. Its gonna take a few cocktail hours to rough out the ideas. Its exciting to think about though.

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