They are (in roughly chronological order):
Sebago Cup - mid-September at the Sebago Canoe Club, Brooklyn N.Y.
A one race jaunt around Jamaica Bay. Im sure they would be delighted to see some out-of-town visitors and been told, even though this is Brooklyn, there is plenty of parking around the club. See comments for more info from SCC members.
SEBAGO CUP ----- September 19, 2015
Our annual cruising race!
This is an open class cruising race open to non-members. Fleets will be created upon the participation of at least two boats of the same class. Contact for more information.
Skippers meeting - 11:30 am
Starting gun - 12:30 pm
Notice of Race
Sailing Instructions
NSHOF Classic Wooden Sailboat Rendezvous- mid-September, Annapolis Maryland.
A one-or-two lap race around the Annapolis Harbor. The majority of entrants are classic cruising keelboats but there is always a smattering of small boats. This year John Z is entering his Classic Moth.
CLASSIC WOODEN SAILBOAT RACE, Sunday ---- September 27, 2015
MASCF (Mid-Atlantic Small Craft Festival) - First weekend in October, St. Michaels Maryland.
This is more of an event than sailing race but there is, on Saturday, a one-lap sailing race in the river starting around noon that is quite a hoot. I have done it twice in my Classic Moth Tweezer where I was racing in a division featuring a motley assortment of larger craft including Thistles, Core Sound 17s, Blue Jays, Celebritys, log canoes.
MASCF ---- October, 2, 3, 4, 2015

Tweezer trying to stay ahead of a log canoe - MASCF sailing race
Pollys Folly - mid-October, Megunticook Lake, Camden, Maine.
Hosted by John and Polly Hanson. This is a small affair, hosted out of their lake-front cabin around the time of Maines fall foilage.
Archipelago Rally - early-November - Somewhere in the state of Rhode Island.
In a twist on normal advanced scheduling, the organizers wait until about two weeks before the event before announcing the location. A one lap race, usually going around something.
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